Intimate Halloween Elopement

After the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, many LGBTQ+ couples around the country were and are justifiably nervous for the future of LGBTQ+ rights in America. Cristyle & Amanda were one of those couples. Originally, their plan had been to get married in the spring of 2021. With this news breaking, they decided to elope on Halloween! It was so fun to see all of their guests in costumes for Halloween at their backyard elopement. I was so happy I was available to take their last minute elopement! It was so much fun to take photos in Amanda’s parent’s backyard. It was so special to be apart of.
Enjoy this halloween backyard elopement!

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She is also great at making you feel comfortable during photos. Marina knows how to pose people alone, couples, and groups in a way that doesn’t make them look like horrible mid-2000’s mall portraits.

- Sydney